Resultados de filtro

WIRTGEN (2000) Wirtgen W500 / incl. extra milling drum!

Referęncia №: 00032693

€ 21.900

Informaçăo de vendedor

Big Machinery

Schiemerik 1
5334 Velddriel

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Categoria Maquinaria
Ano de construçăo 2000
CV 107 HP
TARA em KG 7400
Pormenores W500 / incl. extra milling drum!
Preço € 21900


Informaçăo objeto

IVECO 8041 SI 25 watercooled engine (79kW), Hydraulic Canopy, LED working lights, Beacon, 4500 x 40 mm conveyor belt, 50cm Milling drum, CE-certified

Comes with extra 50cm drum, and box with spareparts!

Meer informatie

Bedrijfsuren: 7.245
Toepassingsmateriaal: Asfalt
Aandrijving: Wiel
Afmetingen (LxB): 848 x 162 cm
CE markering: ja
BTW: De getoonde prijs is exclusief BTW
Serienummer: 06.05.10000535.1084

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